Welcome to our consulting company TAR CSP
Office # 202-74, Al Marzooqi Building, Al Khabeesi, Dubai

Comprehensive UAE Business Setup Guides

Ready to start your business journey? Share your details with us, and our expert team will connect with you to provide personalized guidance and strategies aligned with your unique vision. Your success is our priority. Let’s work together to help your business flourish.

Comprehensive Business Incorporation Guides

Establish a Holding Company in Dubai

Set up your holding company in Dubai to gain access to global markets and enjoy tax benefits. Learn how this strategic step can pave the way for financial growth and open doors to limitless opportunities.

Local Sponsorship Services In Dubai

Navigate Dubai’s complex business landscape effortlessly with local sponsorship services, providing you with a smooth entry and expansion into the UAE market. Discover how our tailored local sponsorship solutions can serve as your gateway to success in Dubai’s flourishing business ecosystem, offering expert support and growth opportunities.

Establish a Tourism Business in Dubai

Bring your tourism vision to life in the enchanting city of Dubai, where every corner presents an opportunity to discover. Learn how to establish a successful tourism business in Dubai, a city where luxury, adventure, and culture come together to fuel a thriving industry. Unlock the key to success in this dynamic market.

Consult with an Expert! Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)