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How to Register a Trade Name with the Dubai DED?

How to Register a Trade Name with the Dubai DED?

The trade name is crucial for all businesses, as it represents the business activity and gives the company a distinct identity in the market. Selecting the right trade name is vital, as it accurately reflects your brand, resonates with your target audience, and differentiates you from competitors. Furthermore, it plays a key role in establishing brand recognition and trust. Ready to register a trade name for your business in Dubai? Continue reading to understand the process involved.

Details of Trade Name in Dubai

Choosing the right trade name is crucial to your business identity. In Dubai, all companies must have a trade name for obtaining a license and initiating business activities. However, it’s important to note that registering a trade name in Dubai does not grant exclusive rights to it. If you wish to prevent others from using the name, you must trademark it. The Dubai Department of Economic Development (DED) is responsible for overseeing the registration and approval of trade names for all businesses.

Criteria for Trade Name Registration in Dubai

As an entrepreneur, you must adhere to specific requirements to register your trade name with the Dubai DED. These include:

  • Your trade name must be unique and not already registered.
  • It should avoid religious or gender-specific references.
  • The name must accurately reflect the business activity.
  • Inappropriate language or offensive terms are prohibited.
  • Certain words like ‘Gulf’ or Arabic names will incur higher registration fees.
  • Numbers and symbols cannot be used in the trade name.
  • If the trade name includes an individual’s name, either the full name or just the first name must be used.
  • The company name should include the appropriate abbreviation of the business structure, such as LLC, LLP, or PSC.

Process of Registering a Trade Name with Dubai DED

To successfully register a trade name with the Dubai DED, follow these steps:

Step 1 – Research existing trade names to identify any similar ones to avoid potential legal issues.

Step 2 – Select a unique business name that complies with the Dubai DED’s registration requirements.

Step 3 – Submit the trade name registration application to the authorities for review to ensure it meets legal guidelines.

Step 4 – Pay the registration fee to complete the process.

At TAR CSP, our experts have extensive knowledge of the trade name registration process with the Dubai DED. We can help you navigate the process smoothly.

We also offer trademarking services, ensuring you gain exclusive rights and protection against others using the same or similar names. Contact us to begin the trade name registration process with the Dubai DED.

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