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How to Get an E-Trader License in Dubai?

How to Get an E-Trader License in Dubai?

Are you planning to start a business in Dubai? If so, obtaining an e-trader license could be a game changer for you. This license enables you to explore various business opportunities in the online marketplace.

Technology has played a pivotal role in driving the growth of e-commerce in the UAE. With user penetration expected to reach 58% by 2029, the market offers substantial potential for businesses to expand.

The Dubai e-trader license grants access to the Emirate’s thriving digital ecosystem, allowing you to tap into a highly advanced consumer market renowned for its strong digital adoption. Let’s explore the steps to acquire an E-Trader License in Dubai and get started.

Procedure to Obtain the DED E-Trader License

To obtain a DED e-trader license in Dubai, follow these steps:

Step 1: Start by creating an account on the DED Trader website and logging in with the required information. Alternatively, you can use your UAE Pass for login.

Step 2: Submit the DED e-trader license application, specifying the business activity or activities you plan to undertake.

Step 3: Select a trade name for your business, ensuring compliance with UAE’s naming regulations, and register it with the Dubai DED.

Step 4: Make the payment for the e-trader license fee corresponding to your chosen business activity in Dubai.

Step 5: Submit the completed application along with the necessary documents to the relevant authorities to receive your DED e-trader license.

Who is Responsible for issuing an E-Trader License?

In Dubai, the Department of Economic Development (DED) issues the e-trader license. Similar to an e-commerce license, it allows sole proprietors to operate their businesses from home. While foreign expatriates can also apply for this license, there is an important limitation—they are restricted to offering services and are not allowed to sell products.

Dubai E-Trader License Requirements

To obtain an e-trader license, you must meet specific requirements set by the authorities, which include the following:

  • Adhering to the UAE’s advertising guidelines.
  • Submitting accurate and valid documentation to the relevant authorities.
  • Renewing the license annually and ensuring compliance with all updated regulations.
  • Being at least 21 years old with a valid residency visa and Emirates ID

How Can TAR CSP Help?

TAR CSP, a leading corporate service provider, assists you in navigating the process of obtaining an e-trader license in Dubai. Our team of professionals offers guidance at every step, ensuring compliance with all legal requirements and making the journey smooth and hassle-free. With our tailored solutions, we help accelerate your path to business success. Contact us today to learn more about acquiring an e-trader license in Dubai.

What services are not permitted for expats under the DED trader license?

Expatriates holding Dubai’s e-trader license are prohibited from operating fitness-related businesses, such as personal training or yoga classes.

What are the prominent DED e-trader license activities in Dubai?

Dubai e-trader licenses encompass a variety of activities, including online retail, digital services, consulting, content creation, software development, and influencer marketing.

Can I, as a GCC national, sell products internationally with an E-Trader License?

Yes, you can sell to customers outside the UAE.

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