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Office # 202-74, Al Marzooqi Building, Al Khabeesi, Dubai

Customs Registration Dubai, UAE

If you plan to start an import/export business, registering with Dubai Customs is essential. TAR CSP assists you with customs registration and ensures smooth import/export operations.

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TAR CSP Customs Registration

Expand Your Business Operations Worldwide with Dubai Customs Registration

The UAE is one of the world’s largest hubs for importing and exporting goods. As the center of international trade in the Middle East, the UAE enforces strict customs procedures to ensure the smooth movement of goods across its borders.
To start an import/export business in the UAE, companies must secure a valid trade license and a Clearance Code from the Customs Department. This guide outlines the eligibility criteria, application procedures, and shipment protocols to help businesses ensure compliance as they venture into international trade through the UAE.

Obtaining Customs Code

A valid trade or business license issued in the UAE is a legal requirement for engaging in cross-border trade. Dubai Customs officials issue businesses a Client Code, which is linked to the specific license on record.
The Customs Client Code enables the movement of goods through customs. During shipment inspections, this code helps distinguish a business’s shipments, preventing any confusion with others. To ensure uninterrupted operations, businesses must renew their Client Codes annually.
Getting a Customs Code is an online process.
After receiving the application fee, officials review the application and all documents. If the application is approved, they grant a Customs Code to the business.

Linking TRN

One of the important parts of new clearance procedures is to integrate tax registration numbers (TRNs) into a company’s customs code access and documentation. This allows cargo shipments to automatically generate a bill of value-added tax or VAT in the right category.
To link the TRN number,
Once the TRN is integrated into your Client Code, the Customs department can check your tax status and the payable amount as your business performs import and export activities.

Custom Clearance Charges in Dubai

The Customs Clearance charges may vary based on the type of shipment and several other factors –

Restricted/Banned Goods

The following goods are restricted and banned in the UAE and require a permit –

Hire TAR CSP’s Professional Services for All Your Customs-Related Needs

If you plan to start an import or export business in the UAE, you may encounter lengthy procedures for each activity. Partnering with an experienced firm like TAR CSP can help streamline these processes and save you valuable time.

TAR CSP’s team of experts assists you with:

Starting a business in the UAE involves numerous processes and compliance requirements. At TAR CSP, we handle all your customs-related needs, allowing you to focus on growing your import/export business. Contact us today to connect with an expert.
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