Welcome to our consulting company TAR CSP
Office # 202-74, Al Marzooqi Building, Al Khabeesi, Dubai

Save Costs with Timely Customs Refund

No need to worry about unexpected audits from the FTA! TAR CSP ensures your business complies with customs regulations, helping you avoid any penalties.

10+ Years Of Experience

1500+ Audit Completed

Financial Experts

2500+ Consultation

Government Agencies We Collaborate With

TAR CSP Refund and Profit

Customs Duties Refund to Increase Profits

Trading businesses in the UAE are required to pay customs duties on imported and exported goods, which can reduce overall profitability. However, many companies fail to claim the customs duty refunds provided by the customs authority.
Many businesses fail to claim refunds because they are unaware of them or lack the expertise to navigate the complex documentation, such as Exit/Entry Certificates, and intricate claim procedures. As a result, they miss out on potential profits from these refunds.

Eligibility Criteria for Customs Duty Refunds in Dubai

Dubai Customs allows 1% Customs duty refunds if the goods meet certain requirements, such as:
Getting a Customs Code is an online process.

Required Documents to File Customs Refund Claim

It is mandatory to submit the correct documents for the Customs refund claim. The following documents are required:

i) By Air

ii) By Land

iii) By Sea

Import Declaration is applicable when

If you want to amend the claim details, Dubai Customs allows that, too. You can also cancel the Customs refund claim if you think there is a mistake or for any other reasons.

How the Customs Refund Disbursal Process Works

Refunds are automatically processed on the 30th day after the import declaration clearance. They are credited to the same customs duty, credit, or debit account used for the initial customs duty payment.
In the case of e-payment or cash, the refund is credited to the bank account registered with the Customs Code.

Use TAR CSP’s Assistance in Customs Refund Services for a Seamless Experience

Customs refund procedures and documentation can be challenging for new business owners to navigate. Consequently, eligible businesses often lose money through unclaimed refunds.
TAR CSP, with its team of highly experienced professionals, helps you consistently claim your customs refunds to maximize your profits. Our customs experts guide you through every step, ensuring a seamless process.
We assist you with complex documentation and ensure that you meet all necessary compliance requirements to qualify for a refund. Additionally, we regularly follow up with the Customs office to expedite the refund process. Contact us today to start claiming your rightful refunds and boost your company’s profits.
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