Welcome to our consulting company TAR CSP
Office # 202-74, Al Marzooqi Building, Al Khabeesi, Dubai

Ensure Compliance with Customs Health Check

No need to worry about unexpected audits from the FTA! TAR CSP ensures your business complies with customs regulations, helping you avoid any penalties.

10+ Years Of Experience

1500+ Audit Completed

Financial Experts

2500+ Consultation

Government Agencies We Collaborate With

Custom Health Checks

Custom Health Checks by Experts to Ensure Compliance

As a global import/export hub, the UAE enforces some of the strictest customs regulations. Businesses engaged in import/export must adhere to these rules to maintain compliance and continue operations. Regular customs health checks by experts are crucial, as they ensure full compliance and help avoid penalties for non-compliance.

TAR CSP Customs Health Check

Need of Customs Health Check for Businesses Involved in International Trade

A thorough understanding of customs laws is essential for operating a trading business in the UAE. The Federal Tax Authority (FTA) may conduct a customs audit without prior notice to ensure your import/export business complies with customs laws and regulations.
Non-compliance can result in significant financial penalties and harm your reputation in the market, both with customers and clients as well as with regulatory authorities.
Additionally, customs authorities closely monitor all goods entering and exiting free zones. They routinely inspect for issues such as undervaluation fraud, non-compliance with customs procedures, improper mainland supply operations, and discrepancies in declared weights.
Tailored customs health checks by experts help you avoid penalties and maintain a strong reputation with clients and authorities. These checks identify and address any discrepancies, non-compliance issues, or gaps before they come to the attention of authorities, ensuring your business remains compliant during audits.

Avoid All the Hassle with TAR CSP’s Professional Services

It is essential to conduct thorough customs health checks by experts in the field to gain a clear understanding of your compliance. This proactive approach helps identify and address any gaps in customs regulations before the FTA conducts an audit and imposes penalties on your import/export business.
TAR CSP, with its team of qualified consultants, evaluates factors such as product valuations, duty calculations, free zone supply chains, the accuracy of customs clearance documentation, restrictions on mainland product transfers, weight integrity, and other key areas. After thoroughly assessing your current customs compliance status, we provide you with a detailed report.
This report clearly highlights any gaps or non-compliance found in your validation methods, documentation, product flow, declared asset value correlations, and other areas. Moreover, our team will offer relevant, actionable recommendations to address high-risk issues and implement strict compliance processes in your operations.
This helps prevent significant disruptions caused by suspensions and penalties resulting from non-compliance identified by customs authorities.
Let us partner with you to ensure your international trading business runs smoothly while we handle the regulations. Contact our experts today to schedule a risk analysis call.
Getting a Customs Code is an online process.
After receiving the application fee, officials review the application and all documents. If the application is approved, they grant a Customs Code to the business.

Linking TRN

One of the important parts of new clearance procedures is to integrate tax registration numbers (TRNs) into a company’s customs code access and documentation. This allows cargo shipments to automatically generate a bill of value-added tax or VAT in the right category.
To link the TRN number,
Once the TRN is integrated into your Client Code, the Customs department can check your tax status and the payable amount as your business performs import and export activities.

Custom Clearance Charges in Dubai

The Customs Clearance charges may vary based on the type of shipment and several other factors –

Restricted/Banned Goods

The following goods are restricted and banned in the UAE and require a permit –

Hire TAR CSP’s Professional Services for All Your Customs-Related Needs

If you plan to start an import or export business in the UAE, you may encounter lengthy procedures for each activity. Partnering with an experienced firm like TAR CSP can help streamline these processes and save you valuable time.

TAR CSP’s team of experts assists you with:

Starting a business in the UAE involves numerous processes and compliance requirements. At TAR CSP, we handle all your customs-related needs, allowing you to focus on growing your import/export business. Contact us today to connect with an expert.
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