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Corporate Tax Services in Dubai, UAE

Corporate Tax in UAE? Don’t worry! Our best UAE corporate tax consultants will register your business for corporate tax and help you with corporate tax planning in Dubai.

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Best Corporate Tax Consultants in Dubai

From 1 June 2023, the Ministry of Finance (MoF) introduced a new federal corporate tax system. Every business in Dubai must now reassess its tax strategy.

Are you struggling to adapt to these new tax changes and searching for the best corporate tax services in Dubai?

Look no further than TAR CSP corporate tax advisors. We are a leading corporate tax advisory firm in the UAE, serving businesses of all sizes. Our mission is to guide you through the complexities of corporate taxes.

We assist you in:

What is Corporate Tax in UAE?

Corporate tax is federal income tax levied on businesses making more than $375,000 in a financial year. The laws and regulations for corporate tax in mainland and free zones are a little complicated.

Even if you are not liable to pay corporate taxes, you must still do the corporate tax register in UAE and file returns under specific circumstances. Expert assistance becomes mandatory to tackle federal corporate tax challenges in Dubai.

Let’s go through all the important information you must have about corporate tax in UAE.

Expert Consultation

Corporate tax is a new concept and its implementation can be confusing and daunting for business owners. It is highly recommended to consult with an experienced corporate tax consultant in UAE. They will assist you with understanding further developments in corporate tax rules, regulations, circulars, and notifications from the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Tax Authority.

How to Register for Corporate Tax - UAE

You have to register with the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) in UAE if your business is subject to CT. You must also obtain a TRN - Tax Registration Number UAE within a certain timeframe. Similarly, businesses that are no longer required to pay taxes have to deregister within three months of closing the business or stopping business activities. You must consult with corporate tax consultants in Dubai to help you understand your situation and assist with registration and deregistration processes.

Entities Exempted from UAE Corporate Tax

Businesses must engage professional corporate tax advisors to find out if they are eligible for exemption or not. However, certain businesses are exempt from the UAE corporate tax, including the UAE Federal Government, Emirates Governments, and their related bodies. Companies engaged in specific activities, such as charities, social security funds, retirement pension funds, and certain investment funds, are also exempt from federal CT. These exemptions are outlined in Cabinet Decisions and Emirate-level tax regulations.

Corporate Tax in Free

Businesses registered in free zones are exempt from the corporate tax if they comply with the regulatory requirements and are not involved in business activities on the mainland. However, free zone businesses must register and file corporate tax returns. You must engage with the top corporate tax consultants in UAE to ensure your eligibility.

Applicable Corporate Tax Rate in UAE

The corporate tax rate, as per the Ministry of Finance (MoF), is 0% on taxable income of AED 375,000 or less. The corporate income tax rate is 9% when taxable income exceeds AED 375,000. Large corporations that meet the criteria associated with Pillar Two of the OECD Base Erosion & Profit-Sharing Project are subject to a different tax rate.

Corporate Tax Services in UAE to Avoid Penalties

Impact Assessment

We conducted an initial assessment of the anticipated impact of the introduction of CT and TP (transfer pricing) based on the group structure and solo entity. We also assess the decision related to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and cost-benefit analysis of pre-tax and post-tax return on FDI.

Detailed Analysis Based on Legislation

We help you identify restructuring and optimization opportunities and required system changes by reviewing contracts with suppliers and customers. We also assist you with dividend distribution decisions on cross-border investments and help with merger and acquisition decisions due to huge losses incurred by one of the group companies.


We assist in implementing necessary changes to legal documents according to the requirements of Corporate Laws. We help with designing TP policies, legal structure, operating model, capital structure, tax function, etc, and offer continuous coordination with management to have the best possible outcomes of tax structuring.

Post Implementation

A service license is designed for businesses that provide professional or specialized services, such as consultancy, marketing, IT services, and more. A service license is designed for businesses that provide professional or specialized services, such as consultancy, marketing, IT services, and more.

Benefits of Corporate Tax Services in UAE

Corporate tax is federal income tax levied on businesses making more than $375,000 in a financial year. The laws and regulations for corporate tax in mainland and free zones are a little complicated.

Therefore, it is best to leave this to the experts and hire the best corporate tax services in the UAE. The benefits of hiring the top corporate tax professionals are –

Expert Guidance

Tax professionals with years of experience and a deep understanding of UAE's tax regulations provide expert guidance on tax planning, Compliance and Optimization, This will reduce your chances of making errors to 0%.

Tailored Solutions

Top corporate tax accounting firms offer tailored tax services to suit your specific needs. You receive a customized approach to solve the unique challenges your business might face.

Cost Savings

Best firms offer corporate tax solutions that not only keep you compliant but also maximize cost savings. They analyze everything to identify potential deductions and incentives to reduce tax liability as much as possible.

Stress-Free Compliance

Learning the new tax regime and navigating regulations can become overwhelming. However, you can rest easy when you engage with professional tax consultants. They handle all your tax compliance needs, allowing you to focus on growing your business.

Strategic Planning

Expert corporate tax consultants in the UAE assess your business properly. They work closely with you to develop a strategic tax plan that aligns with your business goals. These tax consultants also ensure that your tax strategy not only solves immediate concerns but also works long-term to secure your financial future.

Risk Mitigation

A top corporate tax consultancy firm in the UAE will help you identify and mitigate tax-related risks after a careful assessment. They minimize your chances of financial and reputational harm by helping you stay compliant with corporate tax regulations.

Why TAR CSP Corporate Tax Services in Dubai?

TAR CSP is your trusted partner for corporate tax services in Dubai. Our team consists of experienced UAE corporate tax consultants. We have a client-centric approach for all our activities and a proven track record of helping businesses thrive in the UAE’s dynamic tax environment.

We ensure you remain aware of all new tax reforms and provide real-time tax assistance to help you remain compliant.

TAR CSP Advantage

How TAR CSP Assists You?

TAR CSP offers end-to-end corporate tax services, including registration, remaining compliant, filing taxes, and submitting tax returns. We assist you in the following ways to ensure you are in  compliance with FTA’s rules and regulations.

Still unsure about your decision?

UAE Tax Expertise

As the provider of the best corporate tax service in UAE, we are well-versed in the ever-changing UAE corporate tax structure. Our corporate tax consultants in Dubai understand its long-term impact on brand value and business valuation.

Client-Focused Expertise

Our skilled team of Dubai corporate tax consultants excels in building strong relationships with our clients across various jurisdictions. We implement all the right strategies to ensure you achieve your business goals.

Client-Centric Approach

We prioritise our clients and ensure they save costs legally. Our corporate tax specialists assist our clients to optimise taxes and maximise their profits.

Meet Our Experts

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions About Trade License Renewals in Dubai

No, you cannot use a single license for all business activities. Investors in the UAE must obtain a license specific to the nature of their business. For example, a restaurant license is required to operate a restaurant, a trading license is needed for trading activities, and a manufacturing license is necessary for manufacturing operations. Additionally, if you intend to trade in multiple products, you must obtain a general trading license in Dubai.
Yes, a company trade license in the UAE must be renewed annually. The renewal fees are payable to the Department of Economic Development (DED) or the relevant free trade zone authority, depending on your business jurisdiction.

The cost of renewing a company trade license in the UAE depends on factors such as the type of business activities, the number of employees, and the annual rent of the office, shop, or warehouse.

  • Professional Business License Renewal Fee: Approximately AED 8,000
  • Commercial Business License Renewal Fee: Approximately AED 12,000
  • Industrial Business License Renewal Fee: Approximately AED 15,000

At TAR CSP, we are here to assist you with renewing your company trade licenses in the UAE. Contact us for a free assessment to ensure a seamless renewal process.

  • Sole Proprietorship: Owned by a single individual.
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC): Requires a minimum of 2 partners and allows a maximum of 50 partners.
  • Civil Works and Partnership Company: Requires at least two partners or more.
  • Private Joint-Stock Company: Must have a minimum of three founders.
  • Public Joint-Stock Company: Offers shares for public subscription and can have an unlimited number of partners.
  • A General Trading License in the UAE allows businesses to trade various goods/products listed in the Trade Category of the Activity Classification Guidebook. However, certain activities require additional approvals from relevant government authorities before they can be carried out. Some examples include:

    • Gold Trading: Requires approval from Dubai Police.
    • Chemical Trading: Requires approval from the Dubai Narcotics Department.
    • Food Items Trading: Requires approval from Dubai Municipality.

Company trade license must be renewed before the expiry of the license, or it must be cancelled by the end of the expiry of the trade license. If renewal or cancellation of the license is not made, then,

  • The Department of Economic Development (DED) impose a fine of 200/- AED every month on the company
  • Bank suspends the corporate bank account of the company, so in that case, the owner cannot access the fund in the bank.
  • If it is a trading company, then Dubai customs will suspend the custom code of the company. So, in that case, the customer cannot import or export any item.
  • The Labour and Immigration Department will stop issuing visas under the company.

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