Welcome to our consulting company TAR CSP
Office # 202-74, Al Marzooqi Building, Al Khabeesi, Dubai



Trusted by 100+ Major Brands Worldwide

About TAR CSP​

The UAE market is well-known for fostering growth and unlocking potential. As one of the most diversified economies, it offers immense opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs to establish themselves and thrive. However, despite its advantages, setting up a business in the UAE involves a range of complex challenges that demand expert advisory and consultation.

TAR CSP is a  business setup consultancy firm based in Dubai, staffed with a team of highly qualified professionals. Headquartered in the UAE, we guide you every step of the way. We specialize in company registration in Dubai and offer comprehensive financial compliance services for entrepreneurs and foreign businesses.



Years of Experience



Companies Formed




Awards Won

Our Mission

In the rapidly evolving business landscape, we are committed to empowering entrepreneurs and founders by providing them with tailored business and financial consultation services.

Our Vision

We are dedicated to shaping your business journey with an unparalleled support plan, enabling you to stay informed about emerging processes, regulations, and technologies.

Our Values

At TAR CSP, we are dedicated to client success, upholding integrity, leveraging expertise, ensuring efficiency, and fostering global-local partnerships. Your business setup journey is our top priority.

Company Culture

At TAR CSP, we foster a culture of innovation, collaboration, and diversity. Our values emphasize growth, client commitment, and steadfast integrity.

What We Offer

Our Partners

TAR CSP takes pride in partnering with all major government authorities and free zones across the UAE.
Dubai Mainland
IFZA Free Zone
RAKEZ Free Zone
SPC Free Zone
Ajman Free Zone
Meydan Freezone
Dubai Knowledge
Health Authority
Dubai Muncipality
Ministry of Interior
Ministry of Interior

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)