Welcome to our consulting company TAR CSP
Office # 202-74, Al Marzooqi Building, Al Khabeesi, Dubai

Rest Assured with Excise Tax Audit Assistance

TAR CSP excise tax audit professionals simplify the complex audit process for you. We ensure all compliances are in place so you can confidently navigate through an audit.

10+ Years Of Experience

1500+ Audit Completed

Financial Experts

2500+ Consultation

Government Agencies We Collaborate With

Manage Excise Tax Efficiently With TAR CSP Audit Assistance

The UAE authorities levy excise tax on imported and domestic goods that are not good for human health or the environment, such as tobacco and carbonated drinks. Businesses must balance production, inventory management, tax liability declarations, and many other factors to avoid facing severe penalties for non-compliance.

An unannounced audit in such a scenario usually multiplies the stress, especially when a company is not prepared for it. TAR CSP offers seamless excise tax audit assistance services so you can confidently fulfil all the audit requirements in case of a surprise audit.

Scope of Excise Tax Audit in the UAE

The Federal Tax Authority (FTA) holds the ultimate right to conduct audits at any company that trades excise goods. They can visit the premises to take samples or ask you to visit their offices with proper documentation.
Audits aim to verify proper tax calculations, reporting your tax liability, and that payments are made as per the latest regulations within the legal timeframe.
FTA can send an auditor unannounced to your office whenever they feel an audit is required.

Excise Tax Audit Procedure

The excise tax audit procedure starts when an investigator arrives at your premises. The investigator would gather and examine specific documents and records, such as:
They would verify the total tax liable with the excise tax paid. The entire audit process is to ensure that there are no wrong tax computations, tax owed, or non-compliance to any regulations.

Power of a Tax Auditor during an Excise Tax Audit

During an audit, auditors can access all the necessary and crucial information like original trade invoices, copies of bills, inventory records, and goods samples.

They can enforce legal powers to command the business to show any record or document that is relevant to their excise tax liability. 

How TAR CSP Team of Experts Can Assist with Excise Tax Audit

TAR CSP assists you in preparing for surprise audits by working alongside you to ensure your business operations are compliant with excise tax laws.
Our experienced excise tax professionals help you in the following ways:
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