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Office # 202-74, Al Marzooqi Building, Al Khabeesi, Dubai

Withholding Tax Advisory Dubai

Effectively manage withholding tax risks and compliance requirements with our experienced tax advisory team. Let us take care of compliance while you focus on business.

10+ Years Of Experience

1500+ Audit Completed

Financial Experts

2500+ Consultation

Government Agencies We Collaborate With

What is Withholding Tax in UAE?

Withholding tax, also known as WHT, is income tax that is deducted at the source. For instance, an employer deducts WHT from an employee’s salary. Usually, withholding tax is imposed on payments made to overseas companies or non-resident individuals.

Usually, a percentage of the payment is deducted from the original salary or payment and withheld by the employer or payer. The payer then submits this tax to the relevant tax authorities on behalf of the recipient.
Withholding tax allows the employees to avoid paying taxes by deducting it at the source. It enforces compliance as employers would pay the tax for every tax liable employee.

When does Withholding Tax Apply?

The United Arab Emirates does not currently impose any withholding tax regardless of whether the recipient is a UAE entity or located overseas. However, the same cannot be said about other GCC countries.

Leverage TAR CSP Specialist Withholding Tax Advisory Services

The UAE does not have withholding tax right now. However, companies making international payments must still consider WHT compliance and obligations across the GCC countries.

TAR CSP, a leading accounting and auditing firm in Dubai, UAE, has a team of experienced tax professionals and auditors to offer a wide range of withholding tax advisory services:

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