Welcome to our consulting company TAR CSP
Office # 202-74, Al Marzooqi Building, Al Khabeesi, Dubai

Transfer Pricing Advisory Dubai

Understanding and complying with transfer pricing regulations in the UAE can be challenging for businesses operating on international grounds. We offer expert guidance to help you avoid penalties and remain compliant.

10+ Years Of Experience

1500+ Audit Completed

Financial Experts

2500+ Consultation

Government Agencies We Collaborate With

What is Transfer Pricing?

Transfer pricing is the price of goods, services, IPs, or financial transactions between two related entities within a multinational group. The globally followed arm’s length principle requires the pricing to be similar to the pricing when the same transactions occur with any unrelated entity.

Our Transfer Pricing Services

TAR SCP has a team of experts that offer end-to-end transfer pricing solutions and advisory services. We help you remain compliant with the latest regulations in the UAE under the new corporate tax regime.

Transfer Pricing Impact & Risk Assessment

Our tax specialists review your intra-group transactions to identify transfer pricing risks, compliance gaps, and errors in processes. We help you find opportunities that enable you to optimise tax efficiency. Companies can better control impact and risks with our assessment.

Transfer Pricing Documentation

Our tax experts help you prepare detailed documentation required to comply with transfer pricing protocols. These documents include:

Complete documents in proper format as per required regulations to help avoid disputes during audits.

Transfer Pricing Documentation

We help you comply with all the necessary filings, notifications, disclosures, and reporting to relevant UAE authorities. We help you prepare mandatory disclosure forms and represent you during intensive audits. We also assist you with written legal submissions if deemed necessary.

Transfer Pricing Planning & Advisory

We analyse your current transfer pricing structure and help you deploy strategies that are in compliance with UAE regulations. We also assist you with preparing advance pricing agreements (APAs). Our tax experts craft tailored transfer pricing policies that balance compliance needs with commercial goals. We help you remain tax-efficient without disrupting cash flows.

Transfer Pricing Training

Our tax consultants conduct training workshops to ensure your team remains updated with the latest regulations and best practices with transfer pricing. This helps reduce and eliminate compliance gaps within a Multinational Entity (MNE).

Partner with TAR CSP for Guidance from Qualified Transfer Pricing Experts

TAR CSP has extensive experience managing transfer pricing across various regions around the world. Our talented and experienced advisors offer practical guidance to help you identify and resolve transfer pricing concerns.

Connect with us to get completely customised transfer pricing solutions for your operation in the UAE and globally.

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(10am - 05 pm)