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Office # 202-74, Al Marzooqi Building, Al Khabeesi, Dubai

VAT Registration Services in Dubai, UAE

Running a business in Dubai entails tax responsibilities. TAR CSP assists you throughout the VAT registration process, ensuring you stay compliant and avoid penalties.

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TAR CSP, Your VAT-Management Partner, Assists You with the entire VAT Registration Process

Registering for VAT enhances your business’s credibility by providing you with a Tax Registration Number (TRN). VAT registration is also compulsory in specific situations, and failure to register can result in penalties and other risks related to non-compliance.
TAR CSP has a team of VAT experts with extensive and up-to-date knowledge of the complex FTA guidelines. Our experienced VAT advisors provide comprehensive VAT registration services in the UAE, guiding you through every step of the process.

Types of VAT Registration

In the UAE, there are two types of VAT registrations. The applicable type for your business depends on your company’s previous and anticipated annual turnover.

i) Mandatory VAT Registration

Businesses with an annual taxable income exceeding AED 375,000 are legally obligated to register for VAT. This process, known as mandatory VAT registration, enables you to legally collect VAT on transactions. TAR CSP helps you efficiently fulfill all the mandatory VAT registration requirements.

ii) Voluntary VAT Registration

If your annual turnover ranges between AED 187,500 and AED 375,000, you have the option to register for VAT voluntarily. This grants your company a Tax Registration Number (TRN) and the advantage of utilizing input tax recovery.
TAR CSP’s VAT experts thoroughly evaluate your business to determine whether voluntary registration is suitable for your company.

Documents Required for VAT Registration in UAE

The FTA requires a specific set of documents to issue VAT registration and a Tax Registration Number (TRN) in Dubai. These documents include:

TAR CSP ensures that you have all the necessary documents in place before moving forward with the registration process.

Step-by-Step Process for Smooth VAT Registration in Dubai, UAE

The VAT registration process is online and processed through the FTA portal.
The Ministry of Finance issues a VAT certificate once the process is successfully completed. This certificate serves as legal proof that your business is VAT-registered and compliant with VAT laws in the UAE.

How TAR CSP’s VAT Registration Services Can Help

VAT registration is mandatory for certain businesses. Even if you opt for voluntary registration, it’s essential to follow each step carefully to ensure a successful application. Failing to comply may lead to penalties for non-compliance. Additionally, the registration process involves some complexities, making it important to consult an expert.
TAR CSP’s professional VAT advisory team handles all registration challenges and submits your application in accordance with the latest FTA regulations. We are a client-focused company that adds value to your business while fulfilling all your VAT registration and compliance requirements.
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Why VAT Registration in Dubai is Important?

Why VAT Registration in Dubai is Crucial for Any Business Setup in Dubai, UAE:

Frequently Asked Questions

Commonly Asked Questions

VAT = Value Added Tax levied on the consumption or use of goods and services at each point of sale. It is in existence in more than 180 countries around the world. The end-consumer ultimately bears the cost.

All local and international businesses in the UAE are required to register for VAT if their total taxable turnover exceeds the AED 375,000 threshold. Registration must be completed within 30 days of surpassing this threshold; otherwise, the business may incur fines or penalties. Businesses that do not meet the mandatory registration threshold of AED 375,000 can still opt for voluntary VAT registration if their turnover reaches AED 187,500.

In-order to obtain VAT Certificate from the Federal Tax Authority the applicant must consider various aspects such as, whether to register as:

  • Voluntary Applicant
  • Mandatory Registrant
  • Tax Group
  • Standalone
VAT Certificate is a Statutory Document issued by the Federal tax Authority confirming the registration of the applicant mentioning the Tax Registration Number (TRN) & the period for which the Tax Returns need to be filed.
In terms of Standard Rated Supplies, the Percentage of VAT is 5%. However, there are Exempt & Zero-Rated Supplies as well.
Once the Tax Period & the frequency of VAT Return filing in UAE i.e. whether Monthly or Quarterly is defined in the Tax Certificate then accordingly the company has to file its tax returns on the 28th of the month following the end of the tax period.
Penalty in-case of failure of the registrant to submit a tax return within the timeframe specified by the tax law. AED 1,000 for the first time and AED 2,000 in case of repetition within 24 months.

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